10 Story Telling Bahasa Inggris Singkat

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Magister Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris di Universitas Indonesia

Magister Ilmu Komunikasi di Universitas Gajah Mada

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Magister Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris di Universitas Indonesia

Magister Ilmu Komunikasi di Universitas Gajah Mada

Dosen Educational Sciences at Universitas Indonesia

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Menggeluti bidang pendidikan dan informasi pendidikan seputar universitas, beasiswa, jurusan kuliah, dan berpengalaman sebagai pengajar bahasa inggris sejak tahun 2019.

TIPSCERMAT – Story telling bahasa inggris singkat atau bercerita singkat merupakan kegiatan yang sudah dilakukan manusia sejak zaman dahulu. Banyak nilai dan pesan moral yang dapat diambil dari cerita yang kita dengar atau baca dalam story telling.

Bukan itu aja, story telling juga menjadi salah satu cara yang efektif untuk belajar bahasa Inggris. Pada artikel ini, kami akan memberikan 10 contoh story telling bahasa Inggris singkat yang bisa kalian gunakan sebagai bahan belajar atau sekadar hiburan konten.

Story Telling Bahasa Inggris Singkat Terbaru

Berikut adalah contoh beberapa story telling bahasa inggris singkat yang sajikan pada bahasan kali ini :

Contoh 1: The Lion and The Mouse

Once upon a time, in a jungle, a lion was sleeping under a tree. A little mouse was passing by and accidentally woke up the lion. The lion got angry and was about to eat the mouse. However, the mouse begged for mercy and promised to repay the lion’s kindness one day. The lion, who was amused by the mouse’s promise, let the mouse go. Some days later, the lion was caught in a hunter’s trap. He roared loudly, but nobody came to help. The mouse heard the lion’s roar and came to see what had happened. The mouse then noticed the trap and started gnawing the ropes until the lion was freed. The lion realized that the mouse’s promise had come true and they became friends.

In this story, we can learn that kindness should not be judged by size, and one good turn deserves another.

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Contoh 2: The Boy Who Cried Wolf

A shepherd boy was bored while watching his sheep. He thought it would be funny to trick the villagers by shouting “Wolf!” even though there was no wolf. The villagers would come running to help, but they soon realized that the boy was lying. The boy repeated this several times until one day, a wolf really appeared. The boy shouted for help, but the villagers thought it was just another prank and didn’t come to help. The wolf then attacked the sheep, and the boy learned a lesson that nobody would believe a liar, even when he tells the truth.

In this story, we can learn the consequences of lying and the importance of telling the truth.

Contoh 3: The Tortoise and The Hare

One day, a hare teased a tortoise for being slow. The tortoise challenged the hare to a race, and the hare, confident of winning, accepted the challenge. During the race, the hare got tired and decided to take a nap, thinking that he had plenty of time to win. The tortoise, who was slow but steady, kept moving and finally crossed the finish line first.

In this story, we can learn the importance of perseverance and never underestimating others.

Contoh 4: The Ant and The Grasshopper

During summer, an ant was busy collecting food for the winter. A grasshopper, on the other hand, was busy singing and dancing, enjoying the warm weather. When winter came, the ant had enough food to survive, while the grasshopper had nothing. The grasshopper begged the ant for food, but the ant refused, reminding the grasshopper of his laziness during the summer.

In this story, we can learn the importance of hard work and planning for the future.

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Contoh 5: The Three Little Pigs

Three little pigs decided to leave their home and build their own houses. The first pig built his house out of straw, the second pig built his house out of sticks, and the third pig built his house out of bricks. A big bad wolf came and blew down the straw and stick houses easily, but he couldn’t destroy the brick house. The three little pigs then trapped the wolf and cooked him for dinner.

In this story, we can learn the importance of hard work, planning, and being prepared for unexpected situations.

Contoh 6: The Ugly Duckling

An ugly duckling was born among the beautiful ducklings. The other ducks made fun of him and treated him badly because of his appearance. The ugly duckling felt lonely and decided to leave the farm. The ugly duckling then met some wild ducks who accepted him despite his appearance. He grew up and transformed into a beautiful swan, surprising everyone who had mocked him before.

In this story, we can learn that appearances can be deceiving, and true beauty lies within.

Contoh 7: The Princess and The Pea

A prince was searching for a true princess to marry. One stormy night, a princess knocked on the palace door, claiming to be a true princess. The queen decided to test her by putting a pea under a stack of mattresses and quilts. The next morning, the princess complained of not being able to sleep because she felt something hard under the mattress. The prince then knew that she was a true princess, and they lived happily ever after.

In this story, we can learn that true nobility comes from within and cannot be judged by wealth or appearance.

Contoh 8: The Gingerbread Man

A woman made a gingerbread man and put it in the oven to bake. The gingerbread man came to life and ran away from the house. He met several animals who wanted to eat him, but he managed to escape by running faster than them. However, the gingerbread man was eventually caught by a sly fox who offered to help him cross the river. The gingerbread man trusted the fox, but the fox ate him halfway across the river.

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In this story, we can learn to be careful and not trust strangers too easily.

Contoh 9: The Emperor’s New Clothes

Two weavers claimed to make the finest clothes for the emperor, but in reality, they made no clothes at all. They convinced the emperor and his ministers that the clothes were made of a special fabric that could only be seen by intelligent people. The emperor and his ministers pretended to see the clothes, afraid of being called stupid. One day, the emperor wore his new clothes and walked through the town, but a child shouted that the emperor was naked. The people then realized that they had been fooled, and the weavers were punished.

In this story, we can learn the importance of honesty and not being afraid to speak the truth.

Contoh 10: The Wolf and The Lamb

A wolf and a lamb drank water from a stream. The wolf accused the lamb of muddying the water and demanded an apology. The lamb, who was downstream from the wolf, argued that it was impossible for him to muddy the water. The wolf then attacked and ate the lamb. In this story, we can learn that the powerful can always find an excuse to oppress the weak, and sometimes, justice is not served.

Itulah 10 contoh story telling bahasa Inggris singkat yang dapat kalian gunakan sebagai bahan belajar atau hiburan. Setiap story telling mengandung pesan moral yang berharga dan dapat diaplikasikan dalam kehidupan sehari-hari.

Dengan membaca atau mendengarkan story telling bahasa inggris singkat ini, kita dapat memperkaya kosa kata bahasa Inggris dan memperbaiki kemampuan membaca bahasa Inggris.

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Magister Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris di Universitas Indonesia

Magister Ilmu Komunikasi di Universitas Gajah Mada

Dosen Educational Sciences at Universitas Indonesia

English Teacher at

Content Writer at

Menggeluti bidang pendidikan dan informasi pendidikan seputar universitas, beasiswa, jurusan kuliah, dan berpengalaman sebagai pengajar bahasa inggris sejak tahun 2019.

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